Best Health Benefits of Cherries

Cherries,  are  the best fruits  which are belonging  to  same fruit  that  the family as apricots, peaches, plums, and  then almonds, are often regarded as a “dessert” fruit for use in pies, or perhaps as a garnish for  the cocktails.
But  the cherries have a healthy side too, one that may actually offer  for therapeutic benefits to your health, as cherries are rich in  the antioxidants and many other health-promoting compounds.
There are mainly  two primary varieties of cherries that  you should know about: sweet and tart (also known as sour cherries). 
Tart the cherries which are also used to make juice that  concentrates the  may offer some unique health benefits.

1.Antioxidant Protection

2.Cancer-Preventive Compounds

3.Reduce Inflammation and Your Risk of Gout

4.Support Healthy Sleep (Melatonin)

5.Arthritis Pain Relief

6.Reduce Belly Fat

7.Reduce Post-Exercise Muscle Pain

8.Lower Risk of Stroke