How to get arms like Eva Longoria: Secrets of an A-list body

How to get the enviable physiques of the stars. This week: Eva Longoria’s arms.
Former Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria, whose arms are enviously toned, was an aerobics instructor before she became famous.
‘My bachelor’s degree is in kinesiology [the study of human movement], so it’s ingrained in me to work out,’ says the 39-year-old. She goes to the gym four days a week to do cardio, yoga and strength training, and also runs.
What to try: The alternate bicep curl strengthens and tones upper arms. With arms by your sides, hold a dumb-bell or water bottle in each hand, palms facing towards the body. Stand with feet hip-width apart and knees flexed. Tuck your elbows in.