Zombies, Run! Turns Workouts into Games of Survival

Need more motivation to go running? How about being chased by a horde of brain-hungry zombies? Wouldn't your legs move a lot faster if you heard bloodcurdling growls as ravenous ghouls gained on you?

Zombies Run! is a new fitness adventure app with a thrilling undead twist: the only way to win the race for survival is to run for real. So far, players have logged more than 500,000 miles of real-world exercise, with users posting such comments as, "Evaded all zombie mobs :-) One of my best sprints ever!" and "For the first time in my life, I feel truly alive."

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Evading the Undead to Solve a Mystery

Available for the iPod Touch, iPhone and Android smartphones for $7.99, the adventure app challenges you to solve a mystery over a series of missions: Where are all of these zombies coming from—and what new evil are their leaders planning? Along the way, there are intriguing puzzles, websites, and other clever clues waiting to be discovered.

The app inspires you to lace up your running shoes, plug in your headphones, and start playing the ultra-immersive game as soon as your rubber soles hit the road, trail or treadmill. Audio narration of the epic survival story is paired with a custom playlist from your personal iTunes music library and chilling sound effects. The game contains 30 missions—enough for 40 runs' worth of gameplay.

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Saving Civilization After the Zombie Apocalypse

The interactive game begins when you survive a helicopter crash in a post-zombie apocalypse virtual world. You land three miles outside Abel Township, where a small, shivering band of human survivors are struggling to rebuild civilization in a zombie-infested village.

Your first mission to run as fast as you can to a nearby tower. But a quarter of a mile into your run, you hear the guttural groans of the undead. While you're evading the zombie horde, the scripted story unfolds with exciting new twists and turns to keep you moving, while the app game tracks distance, place, time, and calories burned.

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Fleshing Out Fitness Fun

As the futuristic fantasy game's hero—a talented athlete the Abel Township survivors call "Runner 5"—your goal is to collect ammo, medicine, food, and other supplies for the ragged band of human survivors. The more you run, the more goodies you'll collect to help the township grow and thrive. But to build your virtual world, and save civilization, first you have to outrun the zombie horde.

The interactive audio adventure app, which provides 30 missions and more than 40 runs worth of gameplay, is based on interval training. If you hear the narrator say, "Warning: zombies detected," it's time to speed up by 20 percent (for one minute). Outrun the undead mob that's hot on your heels and you'll be safe—until the next attack. Sprint too slowly and you're penalized by losing some of your supplies. You can run as long as you want, then pause the game to resume where you left off during your next workout.
The Thrill of the Chase

The game's most intriguing feature is that fear of a gruesome fate isn't the only motivator to keep you running for your life. After you finish your workout, you can distribute the supplies you've collected, choosing which people to help out. And your decisions may have life-or-death consequences for the survivors.

Make the right choices and decipher the new clues you unlock to solve the game's deeper mystery—and you'll feel like the hero of your own action movie. The thrill of this app is that it makes getting fit exciting, as you use muscle and wits to survive the virtual zombie apocalypse and build a healthier future for yourself in real life.